Wednesday 18 January 2012

The Moon Under Water

When not searching for Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul I have been known to get lost looking for The Moon Under Water, which as those of you who read the Evening Standard newspaper in the year 1946 will be aware was George Orwell's vision of the perfect public house.  All those with a thirst are invited to join me in looking for The Moon Under Water next Tuesday evening at The Caught by the River Social Club in the company of Trevor Moss and Hannah-Lou, Will Burns, Charles Rangeley-Wilson and Robin Turner who will be reading aloud from his acclaimed book 'Looking for the Moon Under Water - The Search for the Perfect Pub'.  The publication of this book sparked a debate that has raged throughout many a public house afternoon and beyond.  You can read some people's ideal of their perfect pub here in a piece that was printed to herald Mr. Turner's book in The Guardian newspaper late in the year 2011.