Thursday 1 March 2012

Moorvale Dog Depot, Rupert Street, Piccadilly

Once upon a time in Arcadia and especially on a Thursday, ladies and gentlemen in London in search of a dog for work on stage and on film and unable to make the journey north to visit Tony Hugill's New Dog Shop and Fishing Tackle Stores would take the trolley bus to the Moorvale Dog Depot which was at No. 16 Rupert Street in the district of London known as Piccadilly.  Should they wish to make an appointment prior to visiting they would telephone Gerrard 6722.

Those of you wishing to put your dog to work on the stage or on film are advised to visit me at my stall in Spitalfields on a Thursday where your animal can be put through its paces buying teas and pies, jobs which it is most likely to have to perform should it go to the district of the Americas known as Hollywood.  In the meantime I will console you by selling you some items of old dog paraphernalia and some Vintage Fishing Tackle for the Soul whilst singing the Uptown version of 'Don't Put Your Dog on the Stage, Mrs. Worthington'.  Thank-you.