Friday 27 April 2012


The day at Spitalfields passed with much tea and conversation before a short back and sides with the barber to royalty and rogues Mr. Natty and his finch Tinker, a pint of Broadside in the snuggery of The Golden Heart with the poet Mr. Will Burns, recently returned from the other side of Hell's Ditch, and then after a pause, a glorious evening in the company of the writer Mr. Chris Yates at the launch of his new book, Nightwalk, in a packed Rough Trade East.  Thank-you to all those who came and listened to spoken words so graciously.  You can read a review of Nightwalk here at Caught by the River and obtain a copy of the book on the stall next Thursday if you so wish.  (The illustration below by 'BB' is taken from 'Vix - The Story of a Fox Cub' (1960) by A. Windsor-Richards)